Zur Website der OTH Regensburg

Winter term 2022/23

  • Abstract

    We at Sixt launched our mobility platform SIXT ONE with the new SIXT App in February 2019. A main pillar of this platform is the Sixt Share Product. Timo Steinbrenner (Director of Engineering and Division Engineering Manager Sixt Share & Mobility Platform) and Danish Nawab (Staff Engineer Sixt Share) will dive with you from the SIXT App into the Domains then deeper into the Software Architecture and explain the relation of the concepts and its benefits, plus the impact to product and teams. We will share stories about our challenges and learnings on that journey.


    Timo Steinbrenner (Director of Engineering and Division Engineering Manager Sixt Share & Mobility Platform) and Danish Nawab (Staff Engineer Sixt Share), Sixt SE


    06.12.2022 at 5pm


    Hybrid in room K016 and through Zoom (please register here https://oth-regensburg.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAlcuqvrDwvEtIMHnfLyeSvwD2SfJuev6e1)

  • Abstract

    Nowadays, software is increasingly being developed "globally" - in teams spread across different locations and countries.
    BSH, Europe’s largest manufacturer of household appliances, also operates internationally and develops software for the appliances in teams worldwide.
    The availability of qualified specialists, cost advantages, the approach to markets and customers are just some of the reasons for this.
    However, global software development also poses challenges: communication is affected by distance, different time zones and cultural differences affect collaboration.
    In the speech you will gain insights into the management of international software development teams from a management perspective, as well as operational examples of a software developer.
    Furthermore you will learn how to build and manage infrastructure and you can connect with BSH employees.


    Lilly Heindl  (Strategic Innovation) & Uwe Hauser (Head of Software Development) &Thorsten Klein (Software-Developer + Global Technology Owner), BSH Group


    14.12.2022 at 5pm


    Hybrid in room K017 and through Zoom - please register here! https://oth-regensburg.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0lde2pqD0uHNZ5JkxN2e6eNWBI7EUGH0Jq